Interveiw with stylist Richard Brown, known as Zaraman. Read about his boutique and his thoughts on fashion
Tell us about yourself, who is Zaraman?
I am a Fashionista and a stylist from Ghana. I am into clothing and boutiques, I have been in the business for 25 years.
What are your favourite statement pieces as a menswear stylist?
I always say ‘Combination is calculation’ that is my motto and ‘Fashion is what you buy and style is what you do with it.’
What made you work in the fashion industry?
From a young age I wanted to be unique and look different from others. One day I had the chance the to travel to Italy where I had the chance to be around Nigerians who were already in the fashion industry, their style inspired me.
What would you describe your style as?
I always want to be unique among others, I set the trend for others to follow. I am a trend setter, I like originality.
What do you like about our brand Vanessa Ofori?
I love it, the designer’s fashion sense is VERY, VERY, VERY high and I like their style.
Where do you see fashion in the future?
It is going to be madness and more creative.
What are your thoughts on the new generation of fashion?
It is crazy, in the 90s you were called crazy for wearing tattered jeans but now it’s a trend on vogue.
Is fashion timeless?
There is nothing new in fashion, fashion has nothing to do with age.